Monday, September 17, 2012

Thoughts on Walks

Today I went on a walk with Roxanne.  We explored a little of the streets around the church and the school, just so we could get familiar with the place.  We were talking about how we were adjusting and how this experience has been for both of us, so far.  She told me that her parents had asked her how she was dealing with the poverty here and how it was affecting her.  She said she didn’t know how to answer the question.  I said that I wouldn’t have either. 

Before that moment, I hadn’t thought of anyone here as impoverished or even of poverty at all.  I had been thinking of myself as an equal; nothing more, nothing less.  Yes, if you think on terms of financial wealth, I have much more than the people with whom I’m in community now.  I think, though, that in terms of wisdom, or culture, or joy I am not better off than these people.  If anything, I’m the impoverished one.

I just think it’s about time we took a good, long look at who’s really underprivileged, and who has what they need.




  1. Yes! Great insight, Sarah.

  2. That is a profound thought. Needs and wants. Many of us have often been confused about what we need. I am going to think about this some more in the coming days. Thank you.
